Our News

SEPTEMBER 29, 2014
Hi members.
Well next Monday is our very first Annual General Meeting, hope to see lots of members there to celebrate what has been a fantastic  year ( actually bit more than a year but lets not get too technical!!)  I have attached the job descriptions for committee members if you want to have look through then you might find one you can do J  I will also attach some nomination forms which can either be emailed back to me or just brought along to the meeting , and a proxy form just in case you really want to have a say but wont be able to attend.
If you would like to come early for dinner be there at 6.30pm or earlier, the meeting will be starting at 7pm sharp  as we will be following that with a  normal general meeting.
Look forward to catching up with you all.
Lindy Bruce


SEPTEMBER 11, 2014
Hi everyone,
here are the times as best I could do... it was a tricky one this time!!
Ange is bringing the LUNCHES -- SATURDAY  and SUNDAY  we need volunteers to cook lunches and man the kitchen, clean up etc please. 
SATURDAY-We need a volunteer to have their vehicle available early as we need the jumps set up in the morning at 8.30-9 am if possible please as first jump is at 11.30 and there is
no time during dressage classes as the same arena is used for all lessons.
SUNDAY- we need a volunteer to have their vehicle available late to pack up all the jumps please.... please don’t leave it to all the people in the last class, nor to David who
will have worked a very big 2 days.  We need members to put in for much later than their own classes please, to ensure the jumps are packed, the arena is harrowed and the
club rooms are cleaned and tidy and locked up.
Can everyone please endeavour to have all their lessons paid by direct debit prior to the clinic so only limited cash needs handling.
A big welcome to our new members arriving this weekend for the first time... Vanessa, Emma, Amy.
Many thanks,

Dear GVSJC members... At our August meeting we voted to plan a club weekend camp at Eldorado sports ground for some bush riding and camping together for the Melbourne Cup weekend in November. however the sports ground is otherwise booked so we are looking for an alternative venue. Gold Fields, the property I have come up with the option of the above link. (ignore the warning on the front of the website as the caution will be lifted well before our date)

Vanessa Hawkins is the owner of the property which provides accommodation options of all sorts, from the mere basics to a cosy house option; make your own yard or rent a stable. BBQ or use the house kitchen. Please check out the site and costs to see if it would suit you and let me know please asap if you would like to go there as a club on Melb cup weekend. There are a couple of thousand acres available to ride on and plenty of cross country obstacles for the brave!!
cheers, Leonie